If you have any questions please email @
Convention Update
The Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, WI is almost completely booked! We are excited and happy to learn that we will see many of you at the 2021 AVA Convention. If you plan to attend our convention and have not made your hotel reservations yet, consider staying at the Sheraton Madison Hotel, located just a short drive from the Monona Terrace Convention Center and downtown Madison. The AVA has secured a second block of rooms at a discounted group rate of $114 per night. Please note, the Sheraton is not a full-service hotel and continental breakfast will not be included. Complimentary parking is included with your stay. To make your reservations please call the number below and ask for the 2021 Biennial Convention block. To receive our discounted group rate, make sure to book your reservations before May 29, 2021. After this date, our group rate will close. For reservations dial: 1 (888) 625-4988.
Sheraton Madison Hotel
706 John Nolen Drive
Madison, WI 53713
Come join us in Madison!
Come to the 2021 AVA Biennial Convention in Madison Wisconsin. Convention dates June 29 (Tuesday) – July 2 (Friday). Pre-convention events are being planned for June 26 (Saturday) – June 29 (Tuesday), and a post convention event on July 3 (Saturday).
Convention Information
We are working on getting all information updated monthly. Please stay tuned to the next Checkpoint or click below for the live Googledoc.

Book your 2021 reservations and say cheese!
A block of rooms for our upcoming convention has been reserved at the beautiful Madison Concourse Hotel, located in the heart of downtown Madison. The AVA has blocked room nights for June 29 – July 3 at a discounted group rate of $129 + tax per night (limit 2 people per room). Rates increase to $139 for three guests per room night and $149 for four guests per room night. Breakfast will be complimentary for AVA guests staying at this hotel Wednesday through Saturday only (limit of two complimentary breakfast per room). Additional breakfast can be purchased for $8.00 per person. Parking for overnight guests is discounted at $8 per night. Complimentary airport shuttle is included with your stay, along with a spectacular view of downtown Madison. To make your reservations please dial (800) 356-8293 and ask for the AVA 2021 Biennial Convention block to get the discounted rate or make your reservations online.