Mission Statement: Promote and organize noncompetitive fitness activities that encourage lifelong fun, fitness and friendship for all ages and abilities.
Vision Statement: Increasingly engage Americans in lifelong walking and other noncompetitive physical fitness activities.
Values Statement: 1) Health and Safety 2) Volunteering and Public Service 3) Non-Competitive and Inclusive 4) Adventure and Camaraderie 5) Environmental Stewardship 6) Transparency and Accountability.
What is Volkssporting
The term “volkssport” is German for “sport of the people”. Volkssporting in the United States is sponsored by the American Volkssport Association (AVA) which has a nationwide, grassroots network of over 200 active clubs nationwide presenting more than 2,500 volkssporting events each year. We welcome people of any background, age, and ability to come participate in our noncompetitive sporting events. Set your own pace at any of our events whether it be walking, biking, swimming, canoeing, cross-country skiing, or snowshoeing.
If you love to walk and meet new friends, join any of our walking clubs nationwide to find the perfect trail for you. No membership is required, only the motivation to walk! Bring your family, friends, and even pets on the beautiful, unique trails that the AVA offers.
Walking For Sport
Volkssporting is a great way to get out and see your surroundings.
Walking For Health
Volksmarching helps with obesity, blood circulation, and much more.
Monday – Thursday 9 am-5 pm
AVA: America’s Walking Club, 1008 S. Alamo St., San Antonio, TX 78210 / Phone: (210) 659-2112