AVA: America’s Walking Club
AVA Committees

The Nominating Committee is responsible for: Establishing guidelines for candidates. Securing candidates. Producing publicity regarding nominee biographies. Creating a slate of nominees for review of the Board. Placing an article in The American Wanderer announcing the election results. Reporting to the Board.

CHAIR: Becky Forsythe@

The Awards and Recognition Committee is responsible for: Working with the Board and President and CEO to assure consistency of recognition between regions. Developing and announcing procedures and timetables for soliciting nominations for recognition awards. Reviewing all applications for recognition and making recommendations to ensure conformity and consistency with AVA policies and between regions. Recommending to the Board those nominated individuals, clubs or organizations for approval. Working with President and CEO in setting time and methods of distributing awards. Reporting to the Board.
CHAIR: Nancy Wittenberg

Purpose of the Committee: As a special committee of the Board, will work with the AVA National Office staff to solicit, grade, coordinate development, participate in public awareness and deliver each biennial national convention.

Purpose of the Committee: AVA needs to up its game if it is to survive. We must strive to have the right tools and processes to support clubs and AVA National Office, align development with the strategic plan, delivered in a way that all can participate.

Purpose of the Committee: To develop and implement nationwide interactive programs that bring all AVA members together, both clubs and individuals of all ages while promoting the presence of AVA to potential new members through the publicity of these programs.

Purpose of the Committee: As an ad hoc committee of the Board, helps the Board assure the fiscal health of the AVA through philanthropy and fund development by assisting the President and CEO in the implementation of the Financial Sustainability goal of the Strategic Plan.
Purpose of the Committee : As the membership committee of the Board of Directors, the committee will facilitate communication exchanges, brainstorming of ideas and individual and club proposals/papers in order to provide recommendations to the Board of Directors that increases and retains AVA membership and defines membership benefits.
Purpose of the Committee: As a standing committee of the Board, will work continuously to develop and update program documents addressing policies and procedures of the American Volkspport Association (AVA) to help delineate national, state and local policies and procedures for regional directors and the national office to deliver fun and inviting noncompetitive physical fitness activities for all participants.
CHAIR: Susan Fine